An Introduction to Farm Succession, Inheritance and Farm Progression Conversations.

An Introduction to Farm Succession, Inheritance and Farm Progression Conversations.

Macra Agricultural Skillnet are delighted to partner with Clare O'Keeffe, Nuffield Scholar, Certified Farm Transition Coordinator and Mediator in delivering this introductory programme on soft skills communication within the agricultural sector. The course will incorporate skills training in navigating challenging farm family succession, inheritance and farm progression conversations. It is open to all who work in the agri sector and who are impacted by succession- farmers and successors, sales and banking staff, accountants, consultants and all who work in an advisory and professional role with farmers and farm families.  

Training content: 

  • Farmer, family and the farm business identity. Intertwined complexities.
  • Understanding the journey to date - listening skills.
  • Generational communication differences. Values and beliefs.
  • Addressing assumptions, expectations, entitlements. Asset rich and cash poor, non-discussions. 

Outcomes of the training:

  • identify the emotional, cognitive and physical challenges facing individual farm families
  • understanding the process and value of open questions. Appreciating the skill of listening to understand each person and their story.
  • develop a deeper understanding and empathy of complex conversations pertaining to the agricultural and rural communities.
  • incorporate and sustain self-care and reflective practise.

Delivered online over Zoom on the following dates:  

  • Tuesday June 4th 2024

Time: 9.30am - 11.30am 

The part funded cost to participants with Macra Agricultural Skillnet is €50

To book and pay for your place on one of the dates, please go to our booking page at